Wednesday, February 11, 2015

FINS estrella


Off of Weststar drive there is a now well known trail system, formerly an “illegal” trail system, that goes by the name of FINS, or Fantasy Island North Singletrack. This review will be a great starting point for beginners and experienced riders alike to plan a ride and explore this well signed trail system.


Murel's Mile

Murels Mile is just that - 1 mile - named after one of the original builders of the FINS mountain bike trail system. Starting at the Stone Throne landmark (a big rock rising out of the desert floor at the junction of multiple trails) and ending at Proposal Pass, this trail offers a great experience for beginning riders who are looking to try out what mountain biking has to offer. The trail is well maintained by one of our local trail builders and offers everything that a beginning rider will need to gain some experience. Moving west to east the trail starts with a minimal climb and then a quick little descent that will have a newer rider reaching for the breaks, and an experienced rider looking for an opportunity to gain some speed. The trail then turns south and goes through some dips and finally heads back west up a steady climb that will get your heart pumping. This climb is a great place for a beginner to experience some climbing by keeping rear wheel traction to the ground, and a great place for an experienced rider to push the limits on a steeper gear. At the top of the climb there are some junction opportunities with other trails. You can continue west onto the rest of the trail system, or head north to proposal pass - a junction point with even more trail opportunities! This trail is great to ride in either direction. Heading in the opposite way you will start with a nice descent - a great place to work on cornering skills, and finish with a climb that brings you back to the Stone Throne, close to the trailhead.

Kim’s Climb

Kim’s Climb - like Mural’s Mile, is a self describing trail. It is an uphill stretch named after Kim, also one of the original builders of the FINS mountain bike trail system. This “climb” is mellow, but will make you pedal. Starting at the Stone Throne landmark and ending at Proposal Pass, it is an alternate way of getting places, which will become a trend in this review. This climb is a great way for beginning mountain bikers to experience that first real hill and to conquer those first real switchbacks. It is a great way for the more experienced rider to get some fun climbing in! The trail starts mellow going up a gentle incline to a few easy riding switchbacks and then hits a rocky section that will test a newer mountain biker and have the more experienced rider out of their saddle to avoid shifting on the way up. The rocky section will get your heart beating, but afterwards the climb mellows out a bit again taking you the rest of the way up to Proposal Pass - a junction with more trails. From here, most of the options lead to going down hill. One of my favorite things to do is link up the Kim’s Climb trail with the Spent Spade trail, which will be reviewed next. Getting to the top of Kim’s and going down Spent Spade without resting at the top creates one nice long segment with both an up and down hill. Riding Kim’s Climb downhill is also a fun option, but a less popular one due to the other down hill runs starting at Proposal Pass that will be reviewed later - but I suggest giving it a go. Is not downhill always fun no matter what the trail!?

Spent Spade

Starting at Proposal Pass this trail is a spectacular downhill run but does not have the tech that can steer some away from trying it. The trail is named after a trail building tool that met it’s match against the desert rocks. The head of a spade can still be seen on the side of the trail on each ends if you are looking close enough. Legend says it is good fortune when riding to acknowledge the “Spent Spade” out of respect for all the work trail building tools have done on this system that was built by hand, not machine. From Proposal Pass this trail starts out as quite the downhill, eventually going through a wash that will have you thinking that you are on a roller coaster. Above the wash the trail flattens out a bit as it turns right going through the Enchanted Forest, where stuffed animals have come to rest on trees and cactus. Through the Enchanted Forest the trail continues on a slight downhill and takes a sharp left. Be ready for this turn - missing it could land you in a pencil Cholla cactus! After the sharp left turn the trail twists a little on an easy downhill until it’s completion at the Connie’s Causeway trail where you can continue on in either direction. Climbing Spent Spade in the opposite direction is also a fun way to get from one place to another, and it will make you work. Like Kim’s Climb, riding up this trail is a great opportunity for beginners to start growing some climbing legs, and a great opportunity for the more experienced rider to continue to strengthen theirs.

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